Why foundational learning?

What’s the problem?

63% of Grade 3 children in Pakistan cannot read these sentences.

15% of Grade 3 children in Pakistan cannot read these letters.

According to the World Bank, more than three out of four children (78%) in Pakistan are in ‘learning poverty’, unable to read a simple sentence by the age of 10. 

Pakistan is not alone. Globally, nearly two thirds of 10-year olds are unable to understand a simple text. That is why Sustainable Development Goal 4 (quality education) has the subgoal SDG 4.1.1a that all children should achieve ‘at least minimum proficiency in reading and mathematics’ by grades 2/3.

But children in Pakistan remain far behind this target (see below).

Foundational reading levels are low (see above), especially when compared to neighbouring countries like Vietnam (GEM Report, 2023)

Foundational mathematics scores are even lower (see above), especially compared to neighbouring countries (GEM Report, 2023)

This is a challenge. 

It is a challenge for the child who is denied her rights and the capability to live a life she values. Basic literacy and numeracy are also ‘gateway skills’; without them it is nearly impossible for children to learn anything else. 

It is a challenge for families and communities. Children who learn more earn more, girls that learn are more empowered and educated communities are more resilient to shocks

And it is a challenge for society. Pakistan has over 242 million people and an average age of just 23. If they are educated, Pakistan’s young people can be an engine for its future growth.

What can be done? 

Worldwide there is growing recognition that if we want to solve the learning crisis we have to ‘focus on foundational learning…and hold ourselves accountable for achieving it’. 

This has led to the formation of a Global Coalition on Foundational Learning and the Commitment to Action on Foundational Learning that was signed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan at the Transforming Education Summit in 2022. 

Pakistan has joined the global learning movement. 

In 2023, the Pakistan Learning Conference concluded with powerful national commitments to further foundational learning, including setting up the Pakistan Foundational Learning Hub. The Government of Sindh has established a Foundational Learning Unit following the Sindh ECE, Foundational Learning and Education in Emergencies Conference. A pilot ‘reading hour’ has been trialed in schools in Islamabad Capital Territory, Sindh and Punjab. This builds on longstanding and dedicated work from academia, civil society and the international community who have spent decades improving learning in Pakistan. Nationwide all provinces and regions are coming together as part of the “Pakistan Learning Movement” and will develop foundational learning policies in 2024.  

Our Vision

All children in Pakistan deserve to have the foundational skills they need to thrive. 

That is why our ultimate goal is to achieve SDG 4.1.1a and see every child in Pakistan able to read with understanding and do basic mathematics by the age of 9. 

The challenge is huge, but it can be done.